My goodness, you are certainly earning my license fee... in tech support!
It’s excellent support, to boot!
Art Miller, architect
Support for our customers
If you have any issues or questions concerning the use of our products, please email
If you have purchased one of our products through NorthStar Solutions and have a problem with that transaction, please contact that company’s customer support. If you have trouble downloading the product, please contact us.
When contacting us about a technical problem, please tell us what product is involved and the version number. In many cases it will help greatly if you send the log file produced by the software when the problem occurred; most of our products write such logs.
Pre-sales support
If you have any questions about what our products can do or how to purchase them, please email Documentation for many of our products is viewable online using a link
from the product page.
Please write to us in any language and we will do our best to respond.