This page features a set of frequently asked questions about DXL-MSG. If you arrived at this page from outside our Web site you might like to go to the product’s home page to get an idea of what it’s all about.
How is the conversion performance?
It is difficult to give an exact answer to this question because performance varies depending on a large number of factors such as the average size of documents and whether you run a 32-bit or 64-bit version of DXL-MSG. Running single-threaded, you should see a throughput of at least 1,000 documents a minute. One customer reported 6,000 messages a minute using 12 threads on a 16-core VM running 2.39GHZ..
Are there both 32- and 64-bit editions of DXL-MSG?
Yes. The "bitness" of DXL-MSG must match that of the version of Outlook installed. That is, you must use a 32-bit edition of DXL-MSG with a 32-bit edition of Outlook and a 64-bit DXL-MSG with a 64-bit Outlook.
Does DXL-MSG support DXL from all versions of Notes?
Do I need to have both the Notes client and Outlook installed in order to use DXL-MSG?
Yes, DXL-MSG is dependent on the Notes client to perform certain tasks such as converting Notes Bitmap images to JPEGs and on Outlook for creating MSGs.
Do you provide sample code for those using the DXL-MSG APIs?
Yes, we include sample code in C# for using the managed API and in C++ for using the unmanaged API.
Can I use DXL-MSG in a Windows Service?
Yes, the APIs can be called from a service, no problem.
Do you guarantee that no data will be changed during conversion?
Yes. We have been working with E-Discovery professionals for many years and are acutely aware of the need to avoid spoliation. We cannot guarantee that a converted item will appear identical viewed in the Notes client and in Outlook. There are many reasons, reasons that cannot be avoided, why elements of presentation may be slightly different between the two but no text, be it in data or in metadata, will be changed in any way. Similarly, no binary data will be changed except in the one case of images that are present in DXLs in Lotus' proprietary bit-map format; these which will be converted to industry-standard JPEG or TIFF format.
If you have a question about DXL-MSG that is not answered here, please email it to us. We will respond to you by email and add the question and answer to this FAQ if they promise to be of general interest.