
Upstart ~ Use Cases

This page features a set of use cases for Upstart. If you arrived at this page from outside our Web site you might like to go to the product’s home page to get an idea of what it’s all about.

Finding and centralizing PSTs across a corporate network

SysAdmins can push the Console edition of Upstart to user workstations to find all PSTs and either copy or move them to a central location. One of the best known chipmakers used Upstart in this way, not only to find and collect PSTs across their network but also to convert all ANSI PSTs to Unicode as part of the process..

Merging overlapping PST archives

When data is archived from Exchange or PSTs, say using Exmerge or KVS, the archive PSTs often end up overlapping. Upstart will combine a set of such PSTs into one with all duplicate items removed.

Conglomerating PSTs

Upstart will merge multiple PSTs, perhaps from different computers, from a single user into one. You can also use it to combine PSTs from different users into one repository for convenience with each user's data in a separate folder tree. Most of our customers value Upstart's speed and flexibility in merging PSTs, including Microsoft.

Splitting huge PSTs into smaller ones for forensic and E-Discovery tools

PSTs can reach sizes of 40 and 50GB but many tools used for forensic and E-Discovery purposes have trouble ingesting PSTs larger than 10GB. One of the "Big Four" treasures Upstart for this purpose and reports that it is 9 times faster than the other PST splitter they have used. Upstart will also split PSTs by time period and by item class (emails, contacts, appointments, etc.) You can also use Upstart to reduce PSTs to MSGs for tools that ingest only those.

A property-management company in England had hundreds of PSTs that they wanted to move into a cloud-based archiving solution. This entailed scanning and, when necessary, repairing all the PSTs, converting a number of them that were in ANSI form to Unicode, deleting all Contacts, Appointments and in fact all content excepting emails, merging some (solely for the purpose of removing duplicates) then splitting the largest PSTs into chunks no larger than 5GB for ingestion to the archive. Using the Console edition of Upstart they were able to automate the entire process at the command line.

Converting ANSI PSTs to Unicode for ingestion into Symantec Enterprise Vaultâ„¢

Despite their being superceded over ten years ago, many organizations still have ANSI-format PSTs hanging around and those that use Symantec's Enterprise Vault may well wish to move the data from those PSTs into their Vault. Symantec does not support ingestion of ANSI PSTs so the ideal solution is to use Upstart to convert them to Unicode format. Another similar use case is converting PSTs in the same way so that they can be imported into Outlook for the Apple Macintosh.

Mining PSTs for email addresses

A British company that creates sophisticated project-management software used Upstart to extract all email addresses from a set of PSTs to use for marketing purposes.