
Upstart ~ FAQ

This page features a set of frequently asked questions about Upstart. If you arrived at this page from outside our Web site you might like to go to the product’s home page to get an idea of what it’s all about.

Can Upstart rescue an ANSI PST that has grown to 2GB and which Outlook will no longer open?

In some cases, yes. If you need to do this, please read "Using Upstart to rescue over-sized PSTs".

Can I use Upstart with Outlook 2000?

No, Upstart necessarily requires Outlook 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016.

Does Upstart eliminate duplicate items when merging PSTs?

Yes, Upstart will optionally de-dupe messages within folders.

Do I need Upstart if I have just a single ANSI PST to convert?

If you are converting a PST that was created using a different language version of Outlook or one that contains messages with foreign characters that were not properly decoded in the first place then, yes, Upstart will do a much better job. In other cases, no, you can convert a PST using Outlook. Just open it then use Outlook's export feature to create a Unicode PST.

How long will Upstart take to convert a 2GB ANSI PST?

Both the timings we see in our own tests and those reported by customers vary over a considerable range. Timing depends on a large number of factors including the speed of the PC, the size of messages, the size of folders and amount of fragmentation. For a 2GB PST, a typical conversion time would be 20 minutes.

Will Upstart produce PSTs that can be used by Powershell’s ImportMailbox?

Yes, PSTs produced by Upstart can be imported into Exchange using this utility.

Does Upstart work with Windows 10?

Yes, Upstart works well with Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 2012, 7, 8 and 10.

Does Upstart work with hidden folders?

Yes, no matter whether you mean folders that are outside of the regular folder tree (the "IPM SubTree") or folders that are simply flagged as 'hidden', Upstart will include all those when converting, merging, splitting, etcetera.

I have heard that your software can create a "super archive" of several people's email in a single PST. Is this true?

Yes indeed. Say you have PSTs from hundreds of different users that you want to preserve. Upstart will merge them into a single PST (up to a limit of 50GB) with each user's mail in a separate folder tree. With a single command.

How fast is Upstart at splitting large PSTs?

A good starting point for estimating splitting time is that it will take between 10 and 20 milliseconds per item. This assumes a PST of 40 to 50GB and a fast computer with plenty of RAM. One of our customers tells us that Upstart is 9 times faster than another splitter that they use!

If you have a question about Upstart that is not answered here, please email it to us. We will respond to you by email and add the question and answer to this FAQ if they promise to be of general interest.